mmm... bullet time
Published on November 27, 2003 By Dedbeet In PC Gaming
I just bought myself a copy of Max Payne 2 for PC and, since I've never have anything to write about, I thought I should let Joe know how I feel.

I gotta say, the amount of time spent on it really shows when you play.
The textures and graphics are some of the best I've ever seen. The problem is that it actually
will push an above average graphics card to it's limit. Anywho, if you've got a Radeon, there
shouldn't be much of a problem. The gameplay, although the graphics are great, shines through
with a very excellent engine. There are a few glitches that can really bug (no pun intended) a person.
A wonderful thing in the game is that they have a very dark storyline with some really badass
characters. Also, like the other Max Payne game, it's supplemented with humorous jokes that are a
bit hard to find and border the line of easter eggs.

The good: Just about everything is good. Some things could be better, but it's pretty perfected.
The bad: It's got some glitches and it's rather short. Also, it is haunted with the usual worthless annoying allies that do nothing good.
The ugly: Not much. It graphically presents itself quite well.
Final Score: 9.1/10
Final Thoughts: The story line was awesome and the bullet time was very well done.

P.S. This is my first submission to JoeUser and I am pretty tired right now. If you have anything
to say about my writing or my review, criticism is welcome. Thanks
on Nov 27, 2003
Hey! Welcome! Glad to see ya!

Anyways, just my two cents about the review itself: good descriptions and such about how the game looks and plays. A bit on the short side but then that's just how some people write. If you would need to work on anything, try maybe to go "in depth" a bit more about how it plays, the background story, and such. Overal it is very good! Look forward to reading more from ya!
on Nov 27, 2003
Better than my review of Max Payne 2 would have been - and yes, I liked it.

When I describe it to my friends, it tends to go like this:

An absolute rip-off at $50 if you're expecting an actual game. As a game, MP2 is pretty abyssmal - however as a work of art, it's a great success. A $50 success? Not really.

I think it's a rather bland, and non-spectacular game, to be fully honest. But like I said - to me, it's more of a work of art than an actual game. The 'graphic novel' cutscenes sucked (they just looked like hastily digitally manipulated pictures to me,) but they got the noir feel down pretty good - and did a good job of showing that clichés, if done correctly, can in fact be a good thing.

Oh yeah - and welcome.